don't worry about Avery not crawling yet. A friend of mine whose daughter is one day younger than Maya isn't rolling over yet, let alone crawling. Each at their own pace! They'll do it when they're good and ready
I think I've told you that before too - but don't worry about it. Hearing about all the genius babies on the Nest is enough to make you worry (LOL) - but all babies develop differently. I work in child development, and they say that children usually crawl by 10 months (and crawling's not really even considered a milestone anymore because so many babies don't do it and go straight to walking.) Don't freak yourself out. Avery is perfectly fine.
we keep joking that hadley will never crawl because she thinks her arms are only good for hitting herself in the head. when we try to do torture time (i mean tummy time) she won't ever use her arms to help support her upper half. the genius babies on here make me worry too, but avery is just fine!
Thanks! I'm not that worried it's more of a "I can't believe that a baby Avery's age is CRAWLING (or pulling up, cruising, wanting to roll over, etc)" It just seems so foreign to me that we could be there but we're not. I personally LOVE my immobile baby. I can leave her (safely) somewhere and the most that can happen is that she'll fall over from sitting - LOL
Re: sdkrlm