omg. hadley has been storing up lately and only pooping every few days. we were running errands today when we got home i nursed hadley while mr. soup took care of the packages.
all of a sudden, she let out a loud grunt followed by...poop. i handed her to mr. soup to change, not really warning him how big i suspected the mess to be. it was literally up to her neck!!!
i ran to get the bath ready and called to him to bring her to me. he carried her in using WIPES to hold her. it was seriously the funniest thing i have seen in a long time!
my kid sure knows how to make her daddy turn green!
Re: today's poopsplosion
(hee hee)
Trust me - it won't be the last time!
Oh, Hadley *shakes head*
We've never had a blow out like this (CDs?) and I seriously hope we never do. I think I'm with Mr. Soup on this one - YUCK!!