Hi there,
I started using B6 and the natural progesterone cream last cycle. It did seem to lengthen my LP by 2 days so I am hopeful. My question is this: On DPO #12 my temperature dropped below coverline without AF, so I just stopped using the cream and AF came on heavy the next day. Was I supposed to keep using the cream even if temps were dropping? What was your experience? Also AF was different this month. I wonder if all this time I was having very early miscarriages.... We are still waiting results of DH's semen analysis, and I put in my doctor's prescription for the progesterone suppositories, to possibly use this month. What is your thoughts about the suppositories? I have only read Dr. Lee's opinion, who states that progesterone is better through the skin, not in the vagina. So confusing! I am also wondering if the suppositories are all natural? I am also drinking lots of green tea and have switch to organic food only. Now on to Cycle #17!
Re: NewMrs07********
Hi, I just saw your post. I always used the cream until AF showed up for sure, not if my temp dropped or I was just spotting. I'm glad I did that b/c my temp dropped slightly and I spotted for one day the cycle I got pregnant (see my chart link). If I had stopped using the cream maybe I would have miscarried, it's hard to tell. AF will come anyway if you're not pg, even if you're using the cream. Once you see red blood, then stop using it so you can let your body cleanse itself and start a new cycle.
I don't have any experience with prog. suppositories so I can't comment on that. They're more potent than the cream, so I don't know what side effects they may have, you'll have to ask your doctor about that. Most western MDs prefer the synthetic supps over the natural cream, that's just how they're trained. They also dismiss other natural remedies such as herbs. You have to do what feels right for you and your body, IMO. Good luck and I hope you get your BFP soon!