Parenting after a Loss

we have a fever virus...

oye... Avery woke up pretty congested.  At 9, I put her down for a nap and she only slept for 20 minutes - normally, on the weekends, she'll take an hour morning nap.  when she got up she was really fussy and just wanted to lay on me.  this is SOOOOO not normal Avery behavior.  her forehead didn't feel warm to me though.  Well I checked her with the forehead therm and it was 99.6.  then about an hour later, I checked her again and it was 100.4, so I did a rectal and it's 101.2 :(

poor baby.  I called the pedi because everything I read is anything over 100.3 is a cause for concern (and the damn thermometer was beeping like crazy! )  They said it's probably a fever virus and that I need to give her tylenol for today and make sure she's staying hydrated but tomorrow to call at 7 am for an appt. 

i am SOOO happy I have a pedi's office that is open 365 days a year!

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