Lovely ladies, I am off to New Zealand today for work. I cannot believe I am traveling all that way for a 3 night stay! I leave today, arrive on the 18th and will be home on the 21st! UGH!
I have decided not to temp/chart while I am gone...I hope I am making the right decision...I had a major temp drop today below the coverline, which I never have during my LP, so now I am obessing over whether or not this could be an implantation dip. But temping while jet lagged is probably futile. So I am leaving the BBT here and will have a few more days in the 2WW to temp upon my return.
Have a great week! I hope to come back to some BFP announcements!
Re: "see" you in a week!
Have a good trip! Too bad you can't extend it for some vacation.
Hope the dip is an implantation dip!
Have a safe trip and I hope that the trip is a great diversion. Hopefully it will help the rest of the 2WW "fly" by!!!
Hoping a BFP is waiting for you upon return!!!
nz is gorgoeus!
glad you aren't taking bbt, w/ the time change you won't get correct readings anyway. sounds like a good trip (even tho it is for work) to take your mind off of all the ttc stuff!
?i hope when you get back you have some great news!?