she has discovered her ears!!! Good grief. She has been tugging or rubbing her arm on her right ear lately and a lot today in the afternoon. She was fussy too. I called the ped to see what she thought since it was right before the weekend and I didnt want to have to call her on a weekend. I went in just in case.
Yea, her ears are clear. Crystal clear. Everytime the pedi talked to DD she would lift her arm up to her ear and giggle (of course she giggles there! Cries at home, but giggles there!!). Oh well glad all is okay!
Although, got to find out she is 19lbs 14oz! Holy Moly!
Re: Went to the pedi today only to learn that
Phew, thank goodness!! Isn't it always the way that you get to the pedi and then feel sort of dumb about what turns out to be a normal thing?
I'm so glad there was no ear infection!