Dude --- back off Mamarazzi! You guys might know each other IRL but *I* am her nestie bestie!!!
Ok.....carry on!
Oh, snap!
'Scuse me, but *I* have ridden in her minivan. I think that puts me in a nestie bestie league of my own. I can share, though, so I will deem myself "DandR's IRL Nestie Bestie" and you can be "DandR's internetz Nestie Bestie."
You are so thoughtful!! But it will be ME that shares and I will ALLOW YOU to be "DandR's IRL Nestie Bestie" --- that is until I meet her IRL. Then you will be "DandR's IRL Nestie Bestie #2!"
Re: Hey, DandR
Dude --- back off Mamarazzi!
You guys might know each other IRL but *I* am her nestie bestie!!!
Ok.....carry on!
Oh, snap!
'Scuse me, but *I* have ridden in her minivan. I think that puts me in a nestie bestie league of my own. I can share, though, so I will deem myself "DandR's IRL Nestie Bestie" and you can be "DandR's internetz Nestie Bestie."
Dippin', but is it bad that I read this as "nestie beastie"?
soosie -- I love you. "dippin'" = awesome.
J&J - Okay, fine. You can be #1. But only because I'm confident in my relationship with R and I don't feel threatened.
BTW -- I just responded to a really old PM of yours. Oops.
quitttt fighting over me.
I'm going to try to send a group pm.
darn..no group pms
mama--you got yours
jodi--one's comin your way in a minute