I went for a walk today with a girl who was using one (or something similar and she had it all on perfect with her little one all snugged in (in a cradle type hold).. I have tried this thing a bunch of times over the past 11 weeks and I just CAN'T figure it out..It never looks right on me and I feel like she is gonna flop right out of it..I've watched the videos.. I just don't get it.
What am I doing wrong?
Do I or don't I fold it in half before wrapping? I SWORE when I originally read the instructions it said to fold it in half.. but now I think I might have dreamed that. Neither way seems to work really.
Re: Why am I the only idiot that can't figure out the Moby.
Yes, you fold it in half lengthwise. Then you position the tag right in the middle of your body, wrap it around your back, cross it and pull it over your shoulders. Then cross it in front and tuck it inside the horizontal fabric.
Then wrap it around your waist again and tie.
Is that what you have been doing? It also helps if you take a moment to smooth out the fabric so it doesn't twist.
I don't fold it in half.
Have you tried watching a u- tube video so you can follow along?