
? RE: Prostate Cancer Treatment & Kids

Hi ladies... I've been MIA for a few weeks I know.  Super busy, crazy kids, not enough time in the day.  I miss you all and will hopefully be back soon, LOL!

I do need some help asap, as my IL's are coming to visit tomorrow and I waited until the last minute to look for answers.  FIL was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent treatment (placement of radioactive seeds directly into prostate) in February. From wat he tells us, the seeds have a half life of 4 months, where the potency is 50% of what they originally were 4 months after insertion (which would be June) and again half that potency 4 months later (October), and so on.

I am hoping someone out there can give me some advice on how long he should stay away from my kids, and for how much distance. He was good about not holding them at their b-day party but at Easter took many liberties that I was not comfortable with (saying things like as long as they aren't on his lap they are safe, all the while they are actually on his knee... close enough to a "lap" to me, but I let it slide until I could do some research). There is a good deal of animosity between him and myself, expecially with my comfort level of how he handles my children (let's just say I won't leave them alone with him), and so I want to approach this as nicely as possible.

I have read that for 4-6 months he should not be within arms reach of the kids, and have read that he shouldn't be within 3 feet of the kids, etc., etc. And then, of course, he says something completely different. Please let me know if you have beenin a similar situation and what the "rules" were about being close to the kids. Thank you SO much!!

Re: ? RE: Prostate Cancer Treatment & Kids

  • I would call your pedi and that way you can tell him doctor's orders.  GL.
  • My dad had the same treatment done in December.  I did a lot of research, and spoke with his doctor.  We were told quick hugs were fine even right after the treatment, but that they should not be in his lap or within a few feet for more than a few minutes at a time in the beginning.  In the same room was not a problem, but you wanted at least a few feet distance in the beginning.   They said that 3 months was the cut off, so he could start really interacting with the girls in March.  

     He didn't hold them at all until March and has only recently gotten more comfortable holding them, so we never had any issue.

     I did have a cousin at Christmas who freaked if her daughter got within 20 feet of my dad, which was ridiculous  - she basically made him feel like a leper, which was sad to watch.   He was always very cautious around women of childbearing age and children, so we never had any issue.

     I would think that since it's been 3 months, at least brief hugs, sitting by him on the couch, etc would be fine.  If you are worried, just try to subtly limit the interaction, but it should be ok.


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  • Call your peditrician. I do work as peds onc rn and if someone is radioactive you do need to take procautions. I would not allow the children to sit in his lap and they should stay a couple feet away from him. If the children are not going to be able to stay away from him, i would definatly limit the time they are exposed to him. I know that it seems mean and heartless to your FIL, but you do need to protect your children.
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