Oh dear. I've been bfing only overnight and weekends, b/c the baby is in daycare and it got to be too much for me. Well, I guess I have been lax about switching sides now that I'm spreading out the feedings--my right boob was always an underachiever, and I go to the left when I want to be sure he's getting enough anyway.
I must have left out righty a few too many times, because this morning when the baby latched on there it KILLED, and he fussed like he wasn't getting much. I look in the mirror and I'm about two cup sizes bigger on the left.
Great. Now I'm lactating on only one side! I was hoping to at least partially BF for another month or two, but this might be a sign.
Or maybe I should get one of those little silicone bra inserts for the small side? Maybe no one will know the difference!
Re: lopsided boobs!
sdk just posted last night about being lopsided
I feel you too!
yeah, lopsidedness sucks... they both make teh same amount of milk though
I wish both of my bbs were like righty - it's a nice "C"