I just feel blah, Logan has been up since 6:00 and has not napped at all. He's tired, clingy and SOOO cranky. He will not let me put him down. I just need like 30 minutes to myself. TGIF.
When that happens I always go into my bed with DS and lay there... Allow him to fuss while I close my eyes. Sometimes if he nurses a bit he calms down and goes to sleep GL! I hope you get a break!
Married 6-30-07, BFP 9-1-07, M/C & D&C 10-5-07, BFP #2 6-20-08, BFP #3 3-28-2010
Mommy to Ethan born 2-22-09 7lbs 13.5oz & 21" long
SAL Buddy to March04b2b
Family Blog|Food Blog
Have you turned the tv on? That's what we're doing today. I woke up sick. I can't tell if J5 is feeling bad too, but to keep us both sane we're watching tv today.
Re: I'm going to lose it today