Parenting after a Loss

BRU Completion Discount ?

When did you get yours - and how? Via email? Mail?

Just curious - we have some things to purchase and I'd like to get it over with.

Also - what is the percentage off? I have coupons for a few items for 15% off - which are good thru the end of the month and I am wondering if I should just go ahead and use those for the specific items they are good for (play yard, high chair, and breast pump).

What do you think?

Re: BRU Completion Discount ?

  • We got ours after our babies were here but they did come 3.5 weeks early.  Mine came in the mail.  I am pretty sure they send it near your due date though that you gave them when you signed up. 

    Pretty sure it is 15% off but I don't remember.

    I would go ahead and buy what you need or you could call them and ask when your coupon will be mailed to you they might be able to tell you.

    You could def. wait on the highchair though bc you won't be using that for a few months and the same goes for the play yard and they have those coupons every couple months anyway in their coupon books.

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