

Congrats on your job offers!  Excellent!

I am totally freaking out about being out of my job in 2 weeks.  And I keep tweaking my resume and I still feel like it sucks...ugh. 

Re: ***Belle***

  • Thanks. I'm getting more excited. It means lots of great things can start to happen hopefully. I'm a bit bummed to have to leave A but we'll both survive.

    I know how that is. It's scary and I hate messing with resumes and cover letters. Are you looking for full time, permanent work? I've been using since they compile everything from diff. sites and searching all the keywords I can think of. That's where the majority of the jobs I've found and heard back from have been. Good luck! I'll cross my fingers you fine something soon.


  • I am hoping for a permanent full time position.  A lot of the temp agencies in my area offer temp to hire positions which is what my current job was supposed to be until the lay-offs started.  Basically, I go with the agency first b/c they do most of the foot-work for you. 

    I will check out though...sounds pretty comprehensive, thanks!

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