Ugh, I am literally .2 seconds away from freaking out on the little boy so please, talk me down.
DD is 3 and goes to a preschool that has kids up to 5 y/o. There is a 5/o, we'll call him J, and DD LOOOOOOOVES him. Lately she's been coming home saying that J hit or pushed her so I talked to her teacher about it and they said they were working on it. They only see eachother in the am and pm at drop off/ pick up times so I wasn't too concerned, until this morning.
I took Isabella into her class and in walks J & his mom. Isabella ran up to him and said "Hi J -- look mommy, J is here." J proceeded to say "You aren't my friend, leave me alone" and HE PUSHED HER DOWN!!!!
His mother didn't say a word to him and I was fuming. All I could say was "That wasn't very nice" -- I was lost. I'm so mad at myself for not sticking up for my little girl but I had no clue what to do, esp because his mother paid it no mind.
I know I shouldn't yell or raise my vocie at the boy, but clearly his mother doesn't feel the need to do it.
Help -- WWYD?
Re: Need help::: DD & a boy @ Pre-school
I would talk to the director of the school and tell them that you witnessed this behavior and a lack of correction and see if they can take stricter measures to make sure he doesn't hurt her, and also possible talk to the parents.
Was the mom oblivious or did she notice and not care?
I have no problem speaking up when other children's parents don't...
I would have said "Your words hurt DD's feelings when you talk like that." "You are bigger and she looks up to you, could you plese be nice to her?" I would also make eye contact with the mother during my speech...letting her know that SHE should be saying something.
When you pick her up, whisper in his ear "if you touch my baby again, I will kick your ass"
Seriously though, I'd have no problem saying something since his moms mouth isn't working. And I'd probably talk to DD about giving him some space since he's being a douche.
OK, I am just going to assume you are kidding with this, b/c if not....well, just wow.
First of all I would be pissed with the mom. You can't parent another persons child, but I would have said something along the lines of "We don't push in school, we
OK, I am just going to assume you are kidding with this, b/c if not....well, just wow.
First of all I would be pissed with the mom. You can't parent another persons child, but I would have said something along the lines of "We don't push in school, we use words"
Also, I would cut this kid a little slack. He is an older boy and it sounds like he may not want, or know how to deal, with a younger child. If your daughter LOOOOVES him, as you say, he may be getting frustrated with her always trying to play with him and not know how to deal with it.
I would have a talk with the teachers at the preschool about it and get some more background.
Seriously, this made me LOL. I'm having a shittastic day at work & loved teh visual of xbg bending over to whisper in the little brat's ear. Classic! :-)
I'd probably do it too.
glad I can put a smile on your face.
Thanks ladies! I will try to talk to the school again and see if that gets me anywhere.