I used to hate when people told me "rest when she rests"... as if I could just turn off and conk out on cue, not knowing if I'd have 5 minutes to sleep or 15 or an hour or what.
It's taken almost 5 months, but I think I can do it now! I think it's the predictability of knowing how long DD usually naps. You just don't get that with a newborn!
Were you guys ever able to nap during the day?
Re: Finally able to "nap when baby naps"
I can nap anywhere anytime. My DH says I have a gift. I napped when Jacob slept from day 1. The problem in the beginning was that Jacob didn't sleep at night, so I had no other choice than to nap during the day.
When I am home with DS, he takes a nap from 8:30 to around 10am....I usually do too!! (But he gets up at 6am, so I am tired again by then, I used to shower etc when he napped, now, who cares if I shower, or he can be occupied in his bouncer long enough for me to shower....)
This only worked for me when I was napping WITH her but that was a short-lived phase.?