DS will be 2 yrs old in June but he's figured out how to escape his car seat. He started out by getting his arms free and no matter how tight I got the straps down (I actually resorted to putting dish towels around the straps because he was getting marks) he still got out. Totally not safe, but I figured at least he still had something around his waist. He would lean to open the door and window though, so thank God they invented child proof door locks and windows! But now he's figured out how to unsnap the car seat stuff. We tright to limit trips, but obviously we have to drive sometimes! And I really want to nix this habit instead of him "winning."
So anyone with suggestions besides duck taping him to the seat every time we need to go somewhere? (I'm being sacastic of course!)
Re: How to keep kids in their carseats?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I've seen people suggest putting a piece of velcro (the scratchy side) on the buckles to deter them from pushing it open...
Can you bribe him? "sit in your seat and you can have a sticker at the end of the ride" Reinforce the good behavior "oh! good, your still sitting nicely in your seat!! Awesome!" Or scare him? "if you get out of your seat you might get an owie! We have to wear our seat belts-see Mommy has hers on." (My DS is scared of owies) Um... that's all I got right now. Good luck!
I think I'll try to see if the manufacturer sells something to put over the straps. That probably would be the best solution.
I've tried bribbing him, although I REALLY don't like doing that.....but M&Ms do work as long as I remind him every 2 minutes the entire trip. And I tried telling him it was unsafe and he would get hurt and get lots of ouchies, but I don't think he really understands yet because ouchies don't both him. He's a pretty tough kid so he only knows ouchies from falling and he cries for about 2 seconds and then he forgets.
Thanks for the suggestions though and maybe duck tape over the straps will work for the time being.....it's better than duck taping his whole body to the seat.