
when people defend miss california

and say that she has every right to state her opinion... ( which she does have the right to do, of course- but as a representative of a state, her opinion has more bearing than others to some, i think.) And they say that it was noble of her to stand up for what she believes...

would they still believe that it was ok for her to think what she wants, and to stand up for her beliefs if her opinion was that anyone should be allowed to legally marry as long as they are WHITE?


or something else that seems to be a defining factor to some people?

( I say defining factor b/c I find it odd that "gay" has to be a class of person in this country.  how is that right any more than issuing rights to people based on their favorite breakfast cereal...?)


Also, as a mini thought: religion as an excuse for bigotry= blech.

Re: when people defend miss california

  • Some of my friends know her personally and defend her to the bitter end.  LIke you said, it makes me sad that as long as you are doing something as an "example to God" it's ok.  But I am pretty sure that God isn't smiling down on her when she is showing nip and her @ss is hanging out of lacy pink undies.  I know that she is what my very conservative upbringing would call a "stumbling block" to the young men at her church. 

    I consider myself a Christian and I get alot of flack for being "liberal."  I 110% support gay rights. 

  • she has a right to her opinion...and I have every right to disagree with it and judge her stupidity.  She's stupid...that's my opinion anyways.
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  • dander-live feed? huh?
  • I 100% agree with you! 
  • you lost me.....I can't say I've been following teh whole story...did I miss something??

  • imageDandR:

    you lost me.....I can't say I've been following teh whole story...did I miss something??

    no- I waa talking about your nanny cam post- I want you to live feed it to us!

  • oh...hahahahha....I thought you were talking about something here!  It's late and I'm tired!!!

    live feed it here...yeah, probably not gonna happen.  Like I need all you in my house spying on DandR and MrDandR's night time tangos or something....hahaha....

    But trust...I'll be telling you guys every detail of what I see!!! 

    Mr.DandR is being a butt and wants to talk to our neighbor who has surveilance camera's before we order anything (he annoys the crap out of me...because here I've been researching ALLLL freaking I did some research last month as well...I know what we need and what I want...but no....our neighbor's opinion is WAYYYYY more important.....I'm mad at him right now)

    Soooo--camera will be ordered TOMORROW.  Whatever. 

  • I agree w/ you 100%. ?Years ago, it would have been socially acceptable for a Miss California to say that she believes that marriage should be between 2 white people. ? Not sure how expressing the opinion that gays shouldn't be able to marry is any less hateful.?

    She's got a right to her opinion, for sure; but I've got the right to think she's a hateful bigot because of it. ?

  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    I agree w/ you 100%.  Years ago, it would have been socially acceptable for a Miss California to say that she believes that marriage should be between 2 white people.   Not sure how expressing the opinion that gays shouldn't be able to marry is any less hateful. 

    EXACTLY!  The National Organization for Marriage says this crap:

    ?Is same-sex marriage like interracial marriage?? Laws against interracial marriage were about keeping two races apart, so that one race could oppress the other, and that is wrong. Marriage is about bringing male and female together, so that children have mothers and fathers, and so that women aren?t stuck with the enormous, unfair burdens of parenting alone--- and that is good.
  • Breezee, my jaw is on the floor. ?That's their explanation?! ?That is whacked out. ?It should just say, "we're creeped out by the idea of two men doing it,". ?That would be a far more accurate explanation.
  • imagesummerbrideDC:
    Breezee, my jaw is on the floor.  That's their explanation?!  That is whacked out.  It should just say, "we're creeped out by the idea of two men doing it,".  That would be a far more accurate explanation.

    I know!  It's beyond maddening.  I had to stop reading their crap.  I was livid! 

  • Just curious how come people weren't this up in arms when President Obama said the same exact thing she did?  No ones asking that he "give his crown back" so to speak :)  In fact many people who think Miss CA is despicable even voted for him!  I'm not saying I agree with her or not, just an observation....
  • Well said, BoF. It was during the election that our affair started, and these issues just reignite my passion for you all over again. *laying a sloppy smooch on BoF*

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Lucy, don't get me wrong; I'm not happy w/ Obama not being more supportive of gay marriage. ?But given all the other issues that i DO agree with him on, and given his party's general stance on gay rights, even without his endorsement of gay marriage, he was a far better choice for the cause than his opponent, IMO.
  • You do see the hypocrisy though right?  I mean people are RAKING her over the coals and no even flinched when he said it...just sort of did the whole "yeah but everything else about him is cool" thing....hmmm, maybe everything else about her is something you agree with as well?  Just seems  a little unfair to me.
  • I agree with you Lucyfox. It's a TOTAL double standard with Ms. CA and the President. No matter what your beliefs are. It's still a complete double standard.


  • imagelucyfox:
    Just curious how come people weren't this up in arms when President Obama said the same exact thing she did?  No ones asking that he "give his crown back" so to speak :)  In fact many people who think Miss CA is despicable even voted for him!  I'm not saying I agree with her or not, just an observation....

    I could not agree more with this. I was shocked when Obama came out against gay marriage, not shocked that he was against it shocked that everyone swept it under the rug like it was no big deal.

    I think the difference here is that miss callifornia said it like a holier than thou attitude then naked pictures of her surface after she lied about them over and over. It is like I am a christian so I am against gay marriage, but not a christian when it comes to my "modeling" career. Talk about double standard?

  • I don't agree w/ her views, but the majority of the people in CA (at least the ones that vote) do and so to the majority of people in the US. And yeah, I think that whole "freedom of speech" thing gives her the right to spew whatever nonsense she wants.
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