Parenting after a Loss

Who has talked about the next baby?

I always wanted 2 kids close together.  I was planning on getting pg this summer for a spring baby next year.  Now all this stuff happened with my job, so I am back in school and Dec 2010 looks to be when I will be done enough for baby #2.

That said, I HATED being pregnant, I had a horrible birth and I don't see myself doing that again.  DH has made a few comments about being ready for another, and I have returned with comments about adopting.  Obviously we are not on the same page.  I have an IUD, so it is not likely anything will happen, but I wonder how many of you are ready to do it all again.  How many of your H's are asking for the next one?


Re: Who has talked about the next baby?

  • DH has started asking about the next one.  I am not ready.  I would like them 2+ years apart, so we will probably start trying when K is 18+ months.  I told him that when K is 15 months we won't TTA, but we won't start actively TTC until 18 months (April '10).
  • Well, I'm already pregnant, but DH is already talking about baby #4.  I told him that will happen as soon as he learns how to be the pregnant one, because I'm d.o.n.e.

    Ideally at some point I'd love a fourth child.  It's the size of family we've always talked about.  I just don't think I can take another pregnancy - physically or emotionally.

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
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  • DH and I just talked about it today. ?We are planning to get back on the TTC bandwagon when DS is about 18 months old. ?DH more so than me wants our kids close in age so that was a driver in our decision. ?Also factoring in is DH's plan to become an officer so we are trying to plan (as best we can anyway) our pregnancy for a time when we won't be PCSing mid-pregnancy.
  • we've talked a couple times but tonight was the first time DH actually added his true opinon. Basically, we will try again next spring. DH wants to make sure nothing ruins a snowboard trip next winter. Smile
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  • About a month ago I mentioned briefly that some people on the board were talking about their second and DH practically had a panic attack. ?I don't know if we can actually afford a second and I'm pretty old. ?I've always wanted two, though. ?I think we'll probably revisit this when DS is one year old.
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  • we've been told we have to wait a year, so we'll start trying in feb. doubt we'll get pg on our own anyway though so who knows when we'll end up having #2.
  • As of right now we are waiting until DD is around 3 to TTC again. Unless we get the itch sooner.
  • yeah it went something like this "I hope you didn't get preg last night" after we weren't so careful

    we want to wait until T is about 1 year old

  • We have talked about it a few times. We definitely want at least one more maybe two more. With that said neither one of us is in a rush. I do not want them super close in age. I would like at least 2 or 3 yrs between them. My two sisters are only a year and 4 days apart and then I am 2 years younger than my middle sister. My mom said it was very hard to have my two sisters so close in age together. DH and I both want to enjoy Taylor as much as possible without the added stress of ttc and then being pregnant. I had a pretty easy pregnancy besides a few things- morning sickness for 16 weeks and then horrible acid reflux the last few months. It wouldn't stop me from being pg again though.
  • As of now I don't want #2 until DD starts Kindergarten (timing the birth w/in a month or so of school starting). DH wants them closer together.
  • We have talked about it and have decided not to even discuss having #2 until DS is at least 4 or 5.  We are really just taking the time to enjoy DS right now and cannot afford #2 anytime soon.  We're not even sure if we want another.
  • My DH has stated he really doesn't want another baby.  I tend to agree with him most of the time, but baby fever creeps up on me occasionally.  I think we'll discuss it later this summer/fall and see what happens.
  • imagebooks4brooke:
    DH has started asking about the next one.  I am not ready.  I would like them 2+ years apart, so we will probably start trying when K is 18+ months.  I told him that when K is 15 months we won't TTA, but we won't start actively TTC until 18 months (April '10).


    ditto, ditto, ditto. 

  • We talked about it back in Dec and decided to wait until Indy was around you can see we got a little surprise a few weeks ago :)
  • imageSnugs99:
    We have talked about it and have decided not to even discuss having #2 until DS is at least 4 or 5.  We are really just taking the time to enjoy DS right now and cannot afford #2 anytime soon.  We're not even sure if we want another.

    100% THIS. We don't even know if we want another, but we aren't going to talk about it for at leastanother 3 years. My IUD is staying snug until 2013 when it has to come out. At that time we'll either TTC or get my tubes tied.

    2 losses
    2 beautiful children
    proud mommy!
  • We talked about having them 2yrs apart, well that didnt happend and we got two surprises on the way. Now he wants 4 instead instead of the 3 he origianlly wanted. We are still talking about that one.
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