I always wanted 2 kids close together. I was planning on getting pg this summer for a spring baby next year. Now all this stuff happened with my job, so I am back in school and Dec 2010 looks to be when I will be done enough for baby #2.
That said, I HATED being pregnant, I had a horrible birth and I don't see myself doing that again. DH has made a few comments about being ready for another, and I have returned with comments about adopting. Obviously we are not on the same page. I have an IUD, so it is not likely anything will happen, but I wonder how many of you are ready to do it all again. How many of your H's are asking for the next one?
Re: Who has talked about the next baby?
Well, I'm already pregnant, but DH is already talking about baby #4. I told him that will happen as soon as he learns how to be the pregnant one, because I'm d.o.n.e.
Ideally at some point I'd love a fourth child. It's the size of family we've always talked about. I just don't think I can take another pregnancy - physically or emotionally.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
yeah it went something like this "I hope you didn't get preg last night" after we weren't so careful
we want to wait until T is about 1 year old
ditto, ditto, ditto.
100% THIS. We don't even know if we want another, but we aren't going to talk about it for at leastanother 3 years. My IUD is staying snug until 2013 when it has to come out. At that time we'll either TTC or get my tubes tied.
2 beautiful children
proud mommy!