
Any English buffs? I need to write on Women's Literature

and how it has evolved.

I picked the topic. It sounded good at the time. Now, I realize I know nothing and I need some ideas to get jump started.

And Google is not being my friend right now with this.

Re: Any English buffs? I need to write on Women's Literature

  • Damn, I was going to suggest googling, "evolution of women's lit!"

    Let me get some more wine, then maybe I can help!?

  • oh and are we talking women IN lit (as in the characters) or women writers? ?I'm assuming writers
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  • What's this for?  A class?

     You can start with women authors such as Emily Dickinson and the like and how they weren't very numerous...and then do something about current best-sellers and how they're mostly women.  Or do you want to do something on the evolution of the genres of female authors?

     Call me if you need/want more help.

  • Yep, it is for a class. I am writing a paper for a class on how women writers have evolved.

    There has been a huge change in accepting women writers and that hasnt always been the case, women in the past generally used an alias with a mans name to publish their books.

    That is kind of the jist, but I need 3 pages of something.LOL!

  • Well my first thought is to consider the development between George Eliot and the Brontes. Definitely a lot of similarities but the evolution of the novel as a genre is played out too in the contrast between them and their eras.

    For George Eliot I especially love Silas Marner but that's my personal favourite of hers.

    Oh and there's also Elizabeth Gaskell for comparison. 

  • Do you have to read the novels these characters are in? ?Are you comparing and contrasting the characters in terms of the feminist movement??

    I'd look @ Kate Chopin's The Awakening (her main character Edna is a sort of precursor to modern feminists), and then compare her to a more recent female heroine in literature (drawing a blank right now)?

  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    I'd look @ Kate Chopin's The Awakening (her main character Edna is a sort of precursor to modern feminists), and then compare her to a more recent female heroine in literature (drawing a blank right now)

    A total aside, but I loved that novel. It's still one of my favorites. 

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