
Rave for Target re: price adjustment

I bought 2 packs for ovulation predictor kits today (b/c I will be POAS 2x/day to ensure I don't miss the +), and the price listed at the bottom of a big pile of the First response tests was 9.74. ? But when I checked out, they came to 18.09 a piece. ?

I didn't notice it until I was leaving, and then I went back, checked the price on the shelf, and realized that the 9.74 was for another product. ?But there was no 18.09 price listed anywhere on the entire pregnancy/ovulation test shelving and there was a huge pile of these First Response ovulation tests above the 9.74.

So I went to the Customer Service desk, explained the situation, they went over to the shelves and looked and agreed that I should pay the price that was listed on the shelf, even though the price was 18. ?The mistake was theirs and was misleading; so they refunded me almost $20!

I really didn't expect they'd do that; at most I thought they'd thank me for bringing the error to their attention but give me a "too bad, that's the price of the product" in terms of a refund (which I didn't even ask for).

Yay, Target! ?



Re: Rave for Target re: price adjustment

  • That's awesome! I'm going there to buy OPK tomorrow. I wonder how they will be marked at my Target.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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