
Questions for anyone who has or has had a Nanny

When the baby is born and my maternity leave is over, I am not sure I can afford to have 2 kids in the center where Sydney currently goes.  As much as I love it, I simply can't afford it.  It would cost well over $100/day for both kids for 4 days/week  That is more a month than my freakin mortgage! 

 I thought maybe Sydney could go to the center maybe 1 or 2 days a week until she can start Pre-School. I was thinking a nanny for the baby and the other days Sydney would be at home but I have no clue where to start looking for one, how much they get paid a week, do I have to claim them as an employee... on and on...

I am hoping you all can give me a little guidance about what's what with Nannies!


Re: Questions for anyone who has or has had a Nanny

  • Obviously their pay will likely depend on what part of the country you're in as well as their experience.  I live in Manhattan and nannies start around $15/hour.  Many get other benefits as well, such as paid vacation (2-3 weeks), paid sick time, a metrocard for the bus/subway (in the suburbs they might ask for use of a car or gas allowance in order to take day trips, run errands, etc...), and some get health insurance as part of their package.  Some strictly babysit, others will do light housework related to the children (cook for children, children's laundry but not whole family's, straightening toys and maybe some vacuuming during nap), and some will also start dinner.  There is often more flexibility for scheduling, although not always (if they have children in daycare they obviously will need to be out in time to get them).  HTH!
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  • I was a full time nanny for 9 years and have put together a doc. with a lot of info about finding and hiring a nanny that I've been sharing with people around here.

    Email me if you'd like a copy :)


    I also have a great nanny contract that includes just about anything you can think of.?

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