

just read your car post!!

Honestly when were were looking into SUV's I was super bumbed that I would have to get an Expedition over the Lexus. This was the one time DH said do not worry about the price just pick the car that will work for us.

One weekend with out of state family here and I changed my mind about anything other then the Expedition.

Our Expedition was the only thing that wasn't a suburban that fit what we needed and was comfortable.

Is it possible to hold out for a top of the line Expedition?

We downsized  to a Honda Accord and are waiting until the kids are out of destroy mode to get our nicer car.

Re: A&C

  • If we got an Expedition it would be a fully loaded top of the line one.  (Just watch me get flamed again for that comment, LOL).  The price of a fully built up, big Expedition is about the same as the GX so there isn't a price issue.  I'm more worried about reliability issues, truthfully.  Did you have any problems with your Expedition?


  • We had problems just last month with it but it had 120000 miles on it. We drive a ton. So honestly it was really reliable for us.

    The alignment went out but it could have been prevented had they caught it sooner.

    I loved it. Highly recommend it. We test drove a ton and the 3rd row in everything was a piece of crap.

    Have you been able to test drive the "nicer version"?


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  • Chris has.  They had one on the lot when he went.  We are going to try to go together to test drive the Expedition and the GX on Friday, assuming the Ford dealership still has the Expedition on the lot.

    We have ruled out a lot of cars becasue the 3rd row was either too small/uncomfortable or it took up all of the trunk space.  We had thought looking at pictures that the GX would be big enough, but Chris wasn't sure after he looked at it in person last night.

  • Butting in shamelessly to say that I drive my first ford anything right now and absolutely frigging detest the thing.  It's just a taurus though.  My mom had one ford minivan, also a total hunk of crap.

    Everything else I've driven has been a chevy and I like them muuuuch better quality-wise.  (though, I've never driven anything bigger than a sedan and don't do lux cars, much as I'd like to LOL)  Other things may be great, but every ford I've "known" has sucked.

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