Just wondering if you got my email? Are we on for this Sunday? If you would rather do the aquarium instead I'm all for it...and it's a lot less expensive. Either one would be fine though
The shower was wonderful but I am very glad it's over.
It is nice being close to this stuff because then we are okay with just going a few hours and then heading home vs. feeling like we have to stay all day to get our money's worth. We usually head over there after breakfast 9 or 10ish and take off around 1. I bet you guys will want to stay longer but we will probably only put in a half day.
Looking forward to meeting you and the beautiful boys.
Re: ****EMT****
Sorry I did; and forgot to respond! I threw my BFF a huge bridal shower this weekend and am still recovering. We'd love to go and planned on it.
Are you talking the acquarium next to Legoland? We have passes to both so either would be fine with us. You let me know which you'd prefer.
Cool, how was the shower? I'm sure you did a great job planning
Legoland still sounds good to me, I know the boys will love it and we haven't done anything like it since Disney last summer so it will be worth it.
I wish we were so close to all that stuff, we'd definately have season passes!
I can't wait to meet you all!
The shower was wonderful but I am very glad it's over.
It is nice being close to this stuff because then we are okay with just going a few hours and then heading home vs. feeling like we have to stay all day to get our money's worth. We usually head over there after breakfast 9 or 10ish and take off around 1. I bet you guys will want to stay longer but we will probably only put in a half day.
Looking forward to meeting you and the beautiful boys.