Be careful, sum! You could have three, three and under like me. Eeek!
Ummm. Hell to the no. Never ever again will I be with child. The two I have are making me crazy as it is. I can't even begin to imagine the insanity that would ensue if I were to get pg again. Nope, not happening.
I am not looking forward to my first period since July of 2005. Almost 4 years ago. I went back on birth control this month and with every pill I am closer and closer to it.
FYI - I don't ovulate on my own and only get my AF every 4 months or so (it's not exact) when I'm not on the pill. So, when I was TTC (with a specialist) I didn't get it (except for the miscarriages) and never got it between kids.
Ahhh-that it was. I'm so irregular anyway that I probably won't have one for a few months again. That's how I got pg with DD2-she was a bit of a surprise. I didn't think I was ovulating.
That sucks!!! I wish it would just go away when you don't want to have any more kids.
I've had some spotting since getting the Mirena (which is normal; but I even hate that) but apparently many people have NO period with it. Maybe look into it?
That sucks!!! I wish it would just go away when you don't want to have any more kids.
I've had some spotting since getting the Mirena (which is normal; but I even hate that) but apparently many people have NO period with it. Maybe look into it?
My friend had one put in, and had to have it surgically removed because it pierced through her uterus. I'm totally freaked out about that. So, I'm going to wait a bit. Plus, I'm not sure my insurance covers it all.
Re: Ugh. First period since Nov '07
Ummm. Hell to the no. Never ever again will I be with child. The two I have are making me crazy as it is. I can't even begin to imagine the insanity that would ensue if I were to get pg again. Nope, not happening.
I am not looking forward to my first period since July of 2005. Almost 4 years ago. I went back on birth control this month and with every pill I am closer and closer to it.
FYI - I don't ovulate on my own and only get my AF every 4 months or so (it's not exact) when I'm not on the pill. So, when I was TTC (with a specialist) I didn't get it (except for the miscarriages) and never got it between kids.
Ahhh-that it was. I'm so irregular anyway that I probably won't have one for a few months again. That's how I got pg with DD2-she was a bit of a surprise. I didn't think I was ovulating.
That sucks!!! I wish it would just go away when you don't want to have any more kids.
I've had some spotting since getting the Mirena (which is normal; but I even hate that) but apparently many people have NO period with it. Maybe look into it?
My friend had one put in, and had to have it surgically removed because it pierced through her uterus. I'm totally freaked out about that. So, I'm going to wait a bit. Plus, I'm not sure my insurance covers it all.