I think Lucas is exceptionally cute. Since the day he was born people have always commented on his cuteness. He's also a complete ham and tends to crack people up.
I am afraid that this next kid won't be as cute and will have to live in his cute, charming brother's shadow.
(Jokingly, MH said, "I hope this next kid is as cute as Lucas, I'd hate to have a favorite". It made me realize how ridiculous this fear of mine is)
Re: Flamefull confession.
I'm sure you aren't alone in your thinking. I know I've thought the same!
And he is definitely exceptionally cute and I'm sure #2 will be as well!
I feel the same way about DD #1. I jokingly sing the part of Wind Beneath My Wings "It must've been cold there in my shadow!" about #2. I'm sure it'll change once #2 is actually HERE!
Oh great...I've never thought about this before, but now you have me thinking.
But really, there aren't hardly any kids that aren't cute in my book.
My DS is super cute. I didn't think DD would be as cute.
Um I was wrong.
They're both gorgeous!
And then maybe you'll have a DD so their cuteness will be equal!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I used to worry about the same thing when pregnant with Emily. I felt so sorry for her that she had to be born second, because Ben was just so beloved by all who knew him. My husband laughed at me and said, "Don't worry. It's not like we'll say things to her like, 'Not now, Emily. BEN is speaking. Go sit in the corner until he's finished being cute.'". That's when I realized how silly I was being!
If anything, Emily has definitely made a place for herself by her own accord. I think that even if she wasn't as beautiful and adorable as she is, she'd still be just as adored because she has such a funny personality. Your second son will charm his way into your hearts. You'll have to meet him first to find out how though!
That being said, I totally have similar fears for our third child. What if Ben and Emily got all the cute chromosomes and all that's left is the Fug-Genes? Emily has such a big personality that her little sister will have a lot to contend with. For her sake, I hope she's even more precious than Milly is
I'm sure this next one will be just as cute. ?:)
For some reason we get comments about how the boys are so "pretty" they should have been girls. ?I have no idea what that means, but people say it all the time. ?When we found out I was pregnant the 3rd time, DH said he was worried we had wasted the "pretty" genes on the boys, and that if we had a girl she'd be a troll. ?LOL. ?Good thing we're having another boy!?
I had the same fear, mostly after I knew it was another girl. I was worried for her because everyone tells Ashlyn how beautiful she is, and how smart she is. And honestly (very honestly), I didn't think Sydney was as cute when she was born! But, now that she's growing up, and her own features and personality are starting to show, she's got her own special place in my heart.
I think yours will do the same.