My IL are in town and staying with my BIL. They asked MH to ask me to call them today, so that they could come over. Problem is that Noah is at school and I just want to be alone to rest and play with the baby alone. They are already coming over tomorrow when Noah will not be in school. When they are here, my anxiety level sky rockets b/c things get so loud. I swear, there is no volume control. And, Noah only have 3 more days of school after today. My chilled out days are limited.
They do a lot for the kids. I have to call and invite them, right?
::I don't wanna. I don't wanna.::
Re: I have to...don't I?
Ugh - tough one. You SHOULD, but I don't think you HAVE to. KWIM?
How often do they get to see you guys? If it's not a lot (few times a year) maybe suck it up and call, but if it's like once a month then I'd say claim you got caught up with errands and didn't notice the time.
Can you wait until about an hour before Noah comes home so that you can still have most of the afternoon to yourself?
I'm already stressed thinking about my ILs coming over after this baby is born.
I got a lot for gifts and also ordered some from random vendors on etsy. Pretty sure that is where I got the blue one.
dumb question... but did you just add the bow to her picture? I swear I looked at it yesterday and she didn't have a bow on....
I would actually call them and see if they want to hang out with her while you take a nap..
If they are already coming over tomorrow, I would not call them & invite them today. You will see them tomorrow. Why do they have to be there both days? If there is one thing I have learned from having 4 kids, it's that I HAVE to set boundaries for myself and my family. I would keep your day as planned & not feel guilty about it.