
I think I'm having a mid life crisis..

Well, not reallly. But I am turning 35 next week and I hope to GOD that I am not middle aged yet! I plan on living for quite a while :)

Anyway, I'm turning 35, I'm 8 months pg...and I just want a change. I'm thinking of chopping my hair off. Do you agree that a 35 year old woman should NOT have pretty much the same hair she had in high school? Yes, my hair is still long and curly. There are some highlights now, and some layers I didn't have in h.s....but overall, people say I look exactly the same.

I have a hair appt on Friday... am I just being crazy, or is it time to do something different?!

Re: I think I'm having a mid life crisis..

  • I want to see a before & after pic.  I too have long and curly hair and I've wanted a change, but not sure what I could do with it.  I don't want it to be poofy!  I've colored it darker since having dd#2, because I felt like I needed a change as well.  It's now different, but not dramatically so.
  • AlibabsAlibabs member

    I have had the same hair all my life...until my 32nd bday last month Smile It was always waist lenght but now its half-way down my back with a side fringe (bangs?). Anyhoo, I'm delighted I did it. It looks really nice and its a change. I took a lot of convincing to do it though.It's not massively different but its noticable and makes me feel much better about myself!


    I say if you're ready for it - do it!



    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

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  • In my head, I want a cut that is just above my shoulders that I can straighten every day easily. It's too long for me to deal w/straightening now. The other issue is, I have no idea if that will even look good. I've always been a curly haired girl - it just matches my personality. And MH loves it long and curly....(but he's not going to say or do anything if I cut it..he knows better than that :) )
  • my hair stylist would not chop off my hair when i was pg. im so glad i listened to her bc at the end of my pg and after baby was born i was not looking so pretty! but at least my long hair looked good. when i got back in shape i went for the chop with highlights.

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
  • The only thing is, will it be a "mommy cut"? ?That may just make you feel worse. ?
  • do it!! I just whacked my long hair off and it looks a hundred times better! I am SO happy i did it, (it is way curlier and better than it was long)

    I love the change. It wasn't long for that long- mabe a couple of years, but long enough!

    DO it!!

  • Just ask the stylist to "de-mommy" you.  That should do the trick!
  • the fact that you're 35 and still look 18 - i would take as a compliment.  but change is always good.  i trust my hairstylist and tell her what I want but ask her what i need/what would look best with my face shape, etc.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • imagesoontobemomma:
    The only thing is, will it be a "mommy cut"? ?That may just make you feel worse.
    I don't get this. Why does short hair have to be a mommy cut? I knew/know many girls in hs that had/have short hair. And, we take so much pride in becoming, and being mommies, why on earth do we take a mommy hair cut as a bad thing?
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • You'll look older and uglier with short hair and a newborn.  don't do it.
  • Do it! I'd just make sure it was a style you don't have to "do" every day if you don't want to. Nobody wants a newborn and high-maintenance hair. I recently chopped mine and love it!
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  • imager9stedt:
    The only thing is, will it be a "mommy cut"?  That may just make you feel worse.
    I don't get this. Why does short hair have to be a mommy cut? I knew/know many girls in hs that had/have short hair. And, we take so much pride in becoming, and being mommies, why on earth do we take a mommy hair cut as a bad thing?

    To me a 'Mommy Cut" is the same thing as the ol' Rachel  from Jen Aniston back in the early days of Friends.  I swear to god just after I had C I went to a new place to get my hair cut...  I showed the girl a picture exactly like I wanted (Jessica Simpson shoulder length bob with side bangs) and the girl gave me a damn Rachel cut to my chin.  I was so PISSED!  As soon as I said I was a mom, I think she stopped listening and gave me the "mommy cut."  It took me a year to grow it back to where I wanted it. 

    IMO, getting a drastic change of a cut before or just after having a baby is a dangerous time to do so unless you have a great relationship with your stylist.  IF they truly understand you and will listen to you, then it may be safe to go ahead. 

    Valerie ~Charlotte Adele 4.26.05~ ~Audrey Irene 12.19.2006~
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