More with my brother's health saga... (aka struggling with a recent diagnosis of Wegener's Granulomatosis).
I came home on Sunday when everything was looking good. He had another rough day on Monday, but made it through. By Monday night, his pulmonologist was suggesting that he be air ambulanced to the Mayo Clinic here in Scottsdale and they started on making the arrangements. Yesterday morning it looked like it was a go until Mayo got back to them that they couldn't accept him because their ICU was full.
My parents decided to transfer him to a bigger hospital in El Paso where he could get some treatments that are only available in ICUs. Sometime after he was transported, his O2 levels dropped and the hemmorraging in his lungs became very very bad. They were forced to put him in a drug-induced coma and put him on a respirator. He'll be like this at least for the next couple of days, but probably a week.
I found out about all this as I was walking into my OBs office for my prenatal appt. Needless to say, I was a total wreck. My OB wants me to stop making the drive back & forth (6hrs each way) because of the risk of blood clots to myself, but she gave me the go to fly as much as I need to for the next 10 or so weeks.
This morning he's looking much better, his lungs are clearing up and he's getting some much-needed rest, even if it is drug-induced. They're going to start him on plasmapheresis which will clean his blood out of the antibodies that are attacking his body and making him so sick.
I'm still a wreck and still at home. While he's in this drug-induced coma there's not much I can do there, so I'm just going to plan on flying out there as soon as they wake him up.
Thanks for your continued prayers & support.
Re: more prayers... please.
you poor dear. what a roller coaster. he's how old ... 18? even tho coma is a horrible word to think about, it does sound like the best for him. do what you can at home and at work to help you focus when you go visit.
i'll keep praying for him and you!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
OMG. I'm so sorry you and your entire family are going through this. And your poor brother.
I don't pray often, but I'm praying now. (((hugs)))
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I'm glad he's responding to treatment. Plasmapheresis is a wonderful treatment. Is it possible that your parents can donate for him?
Your family will remain in my prayers
I am so SO sorry, mags. My brother had some crazy health issues last year, that i still don't quite understand ( he really is oddly secretive...), but we spent a lot of time going to scan appointments, and hospitals for tests...only to not find out much.
He's ok now ( as far as I I said he is freakishly private and tells me very little...) But I was a mess worrying about him! I assume he thought he had testicular cancer- from the details i DID get out of him..
Your brother is going to be FINE! I? will be sending good thoughts his way, and yours- I'm so sorry that this is happening and that you have to deal with it so pregnantly!!
Im so happy your husband is stepping up- thank goodness for him!