
Too much? How much??

Hi. I have gained almost 11 pounds to date and I am 14 weeks pregnant.I began the pregnancy a bit underweight... Is this normal in a twin pregnancy or not?  I've seen a nutritionist and have read over many different guidelines in various books/sites, but was hoping you guys could share what you've been told or experienced. Also, is it true that the most important gain is in the first 28 weeks of a twin pregnancy? Just curious...thanks.
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Re: Too much? How much??

  • I was just on the cusp of healthy weight/underweight when I got pg.  I'm 13 weeks 6 days and have gained 6 so far...  I expect my weight gain to pick up now that I'm in second tri. I'm trying really hard to eat enough, of healthy foods- enough protein and dairy etc (I read that same book I think, the amounts of servings of everything to eat everyday was really overwhelming!).  Although I have been justifying things like gummi bears and almond M&Ms as protein sources on occasion... hehehe
  • I would recommend (as most of the MoMs on here do) the book "Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads" by Dr. Barbara Luke.  She's done a ton of research on multiple pregnancy and really advocates the proper weight gain for the best outcome.  There are some factors to look at, but it sounds like you're doing pretty well - if not needing to gain more.  I just got my book last week and am a little freaked out now trying to gain the weight she recommends.  So far, I've gained about 14lbs and I'm 16 weeks pregnant (in the past week I've gained 3-4lbs though!).  I also started a little overweight, but have factors like I used infertility treatments and it's my first preg (that went past 6 wks) that makes it more imperative that I gain more weight.  And to answer your ? about 28 wk weight gain - Dr. Luke basically says that, but I think she says that it's really important to gain a certain amount of weight even earlier like 20-24 wks.  Good luck!
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