I think the office is closed today... but I can't know for sure because I just keep getting the answering machine when I call the office. When I drove past yesterday I noticed the parking lot was empty during their normal business hours, so maybe they are closed for a couple days. But why can't you let your patients know this on the answering machine?
I really don't know what to do. I think DD is getting worse. Our hospital is pretty crappy (OB dpt is awesome... general med/surg where Lilly had to stay for jaundice is awful). Our ER (which is also Urgent Care) is so unexperienced with babies so my only other option is to go an hour away to Children's. But for vomiting and diarrhea? AGHH, I wish I knew if the pedi's office was going to be closed again tomorrow or what the deal is.
I'm so frustrated.
Re: So frustrated with pedi