
Anyone have the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 (or 65)?

I just ordered the Radian 80 for DD's birthday, mostly because it was pink and would last until she is about 8 years old, so we won't need another seat.  She is tiny, so I don't think we will be getting a booster to use with her before then. I also have a smaller wagon and occasionally need to fit 3 seats across, so the narrow seat is great. 

Anyone have any reviews on it?   I ordered it from Toys R us specifically so I could take it back if I needed to.

Re: Anyone have the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 (or 65)?

  • I have a radian 65 and love it!  We got it when DD outgrew the harness height on her graco comfortsport at 17 months (she's very tall!).  It was the only high harness height seat that would fit in my beetle, but we're so happy with it that we plan on getting them for all our children eventually, especially since we want 3 kids and a wagon, not a minivan!
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have the 65 and I love it!  DS has always been very comfortable in it and it is very safe. 
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • We have the Radian 80 and I love it.  DS uses it RF right now.  He seems really comfy in it.  I love that it folds up, we have taken it on several flights.  I wish I had known about it before we bought DD's Marathon.  Using the Radian we will be able to fit 3 carseats in my sedan.  I did not want a minivan or SUV so I am happy that it is so slim.
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