Parenting after a Loss

New PAL mantra!

There have been a lot of bammy's and self-doubt going on around here, and when I read this mantra in my baby yoga book, I knew I had to share.  "I am the perfect parent for this baby".  We should all remind ourselves of that when the mommy guilt wants to creep up. 

Re: New PAL mantra!

  • LOVE IT! We totally need that.  I am guilty of mother guilt and you are right, we are all doing the best we can.
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  • I love it!!!  Whenever I feel bad, I always think back to what my acupuncturist used to tell me:

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they believe it's the child who picks the parent, and my child picked me to be his/her mommy.

  • I love that!
  • if i accept this mantra and give up beating myself up over my parenting, what will i beat myself up over instead?  :)
  • Well, if your mom is anything like mine she knows how to put someone on a great guilt trip.  Give her a call and she can tell you all the ways you've failed as a daughter.  :)
  • I love it!! I personally hate the "bammy" since NONE of us are bad mothers...we are just learning :)





    M/c #1 - 10/30/07 - 5w3d, DS1 - born at 36w, M/c#2 - 12/7/09 - 5w, M/c #3 - 1/13/10 - 4w6d, 
    M/c #4 - 3/16/10 - 5w1d, DS2 -  born via VBAC at 40w3d, M/c#5 - 11/5/12 - 7w2d
    BFP #8 - 5/5/13- Looks like a sticky one! DS3 - born via epi-free VBAC at 39w1d

  • I think this is just wonderful. :) Hugs to you for posting it!!
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