Parenting after a Loss


Hey! We are trying to raise Leo as a vegetarian with some fish as well. I'd love to hear your plans for getting protein and stuff- I am so in the dark and we have a ways to go before we need to worry about it, but I would love to hear what you are doing! TIA. :)

Re: *MissyOlivePants*

  • dd & I eat lentils, garbanzos & other legumes, plus tofu & other soy stuff. Once we can get her to eat nuts or nut butters, we'll offer those as well. She's already eating cheese and occassionally we have scrambled eggs.

    I'm a big soy fan, but I don't want to overload her on it at such a young age because of the hormones, but she does get soymilk once in a while (plain unsweetened).

  • That's great- thanks!

    Our aggravating issue right now is that DS has a MSPI. I am praying that he grows out of it, otherwise he will have to be the only meat eater in our household, sigh...

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  • Sorry! Milk Soy Protein Intolerance. They say that many kids grow out of it- so far he's done amazingly well on cereals and stage 1 fruits/veggies, so I'm hoping that bodes well..
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