So, DD is almost 2 and uses a pacifier to sleep. I wasn't quite ready to have her give it up, but she has been chewing on them. I mean, I gave her a brand new one last night, and there are already a couple chew marks on it where she went through the nipple.
So, my question is, is this it for the paci? I mean, I can't just keep buying them to have her chew through them. She uses the MAM clear silicon ones. Are there any that are "tougher?"
I've tried to put her to sleep w/o a paci, and she just whines (not a hard cry) until I give it to her. She was in her crib over an hour not sleeping the other night until I gave in. Help! And thanks.
Re: Pacifier Question... help please
Try the Gerber latex ones.
Good luck