
Tattoo lovers --> opinions please

After this baby (most likely our last) I want to get a new tattoo. I was thinking of incorporating our birth symbols in there. Let me know if you think this is a good idea or if you can think of something more creative...

A scorpion (DH - Scorpio) holding onto an upside-down vase with water spilling out (Me - Aquarius) and two little crabs (kids - Cancer) in the water swirls.

My only requirements is that I want it to be meaningful, somewhat small (around 4 and with color.

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Tattoo lovers --> opinions please

  • I think it sounds cool. I would have someone draw it out so you can know for sure.
  • I actually kind of like that idea........I say you have someone draw it up and see what you think.
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  • It sounds like a cool idea, but a lot going on in that space size you want.  I would probably make it bigger or go with a tattoo that incorporated the flowers of the birth months instead.
  • I want to see you on Miami InkStick out tongue
  • That'd be awesome just have a GOOD tat artist draw it up for you & size it so you have an idea. 

    I want to see it.  Have this baby, quick! lol

  • imageKersbear:
    or go with a tattoo that incorporated the flowers of the birth months instead.

    What a great idea! I'm already flowered up so I think I'm going to look into this.

    And Kersbear, how cute is Carter?!?! Wow!!

  • I think it sounds great, but I wonder if it would work well being that small.  I'd have someone draw it up and see what level of detail you'll get with the size you want.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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