We had a BAZILLION ants last year and had them come out 2x to fix the problem. We were supposed to be on an annual contract with them, however, we never heard anything else from them.
In the last two days, I'm starting to notice ants again (nowhere NEAR to the degree that we had them last year) and want to stop the prob before it starts again. last year we did traps etc aroudn this time and they worked for a while, then came back with a vengence at the end of July. Since I will likely be having a c/s aroudn that time, I want to get it taken care of now, rather than with a newborn in the house.
In any case, I just called them and they told me that the contract was never "approved" (no idea what that means... they took our money and gave us a contract?) so we would have to start over now. If we do a contract it's $175 for the first time and then $68 every other month. If we do a one-time shot, it's $225.
DH and I are in disagreement about what to do. He thinks we shoudl try traps etc first adn then see what happens. I explained that we did this same exact thing last year, it worked for a while and then they came back. I HATE HATE HATE bugs, period. So I'm happy to spend the money. DH thinks it's crazy to spend it now for how many we have (FWIW, they are all around the trash can which I moved, and I have seen a few on DS's windowsill which GROSSES me out b/c his bed is in that corner).
WWYD?? If you have a service come, how much do you pay? I can call around, but I did this same song/dance last year which is how we wound up with teh company that we have (it's a reputable, national company).
Re: WWYD re: pest control services/ants??
That is waaaayyyyy too much. ?We pay terminix 75$ a quarter, and they come out if there are problems in between with no extra charge. ?I didn't have to sign anything, and there were no initiation fees, either. ?
I would shop around.
Ours is $450 a year for unlimited treatments. Covers everything except termites and bed bugs.
After a few years of (unsuccessfully) trying to keep our pests under control, we're gladly paying for the professionals to come deal with it!
doyourownpestcontrol.com and Delta Dust. we had a huge (HUGE) ant next and this dust did the trick. but the site is super helpful in general.
that company doesn't sound so reputable! also ask your neighbors what they do/who they use.