
Anyone have 3 or more dc and work full time??

I was just wondering if it could be done. I really want a third but feel like it would be impossible while working full time, not because of childcare costs but because I feel like I would have even less time for each kid when I got home. I sometimes feel like I am barely holding it together now and am wondering if a third would just push me over the edge.....but then I really do want a third. I'm 34 and if I was younger I would wait a few years but because of my age I really want to make a decision either way and if we decide on a third have the baby can anyone share their experience of having a third while working too? Thanks!

Re: Anyone have 3 or more dc and work full time??

  • I'm impressed that anyone with 3 young kids is able to leave the house at all. I know I couldn't manage it. A friend of mine has 3 kids and has always worked, but she worked part-time (30 hours a week) for a few years when the kids were younger. She and her husband both have very well-paying jobs, so it made sense for her to work. The kids went to a childcare center and their grandmother picked them up by 3 p.m. each day. I think it might be easier to have a nanny if you have three kids.
  • your kids are beautiful!!!

    We had a girl at my DD's daycare that had all three of her daughters at daycare. She couldn't do it for long after #3 was born. She decided to stay home when #3 was about 6 mos.

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  • I'm one of 3 and my mom worked full time when we were younger.  She told me at one point that her entire paycheck went to daycare and she was basically working for the benefits.

    I remember spending a lot of time at daycare but I also remember spending a lot of time with my parents.  We had a routine and didn't miss mom or daddy too much.

  • AlibabsAlibabs member
    I will have 3 and work full time. I'm lucky though because DH is a SAHD and I only work 20 mins from home. It would be different if I had a huge commute. I get about 30-40mins of quality time in the morning with them and 2-3 hours in the evening. And all weekends and days off. We always have our meals together and its lovely catching up.

    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

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