Parenting after a Loss

Gerber vs Beechnut

I have noticed that DD likes Beechnut veggies better than Gerber. She loves Gerber fruit but seems to enjoy Beechnut veggies much more. Even DH noticed before I mentioned it to him! I looked at the ingrediants and its all the same for both brands. I find this interesting.

For those that do not make their own food, what brand do you (or DC) seem to prefer?

Re: Gerber vs Beechnut

  • SuzPSuzP member

    DS loved Beechnut. I liked it better too because it seemed like there was more options.  I started with Beechnut on the cerreal because DS did the best with it eczema wise.  We tried Gerber here and there, but always went back to Beechnut. 

    I made DD's purees for the most part, but there was one gerber cereal combination that she loved. 

    Mama to Lewis Elijah-11/18/05
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  • Isn't Beechnut all organic? Do you only buy Gerber Organic veggies?? If you do, maybe Beechnut just makes it better! :-D
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  • I have also noticed that Ben & Kate prefer some brands over others.  They aren't crazy about Earth's Best but they love Gerber.  I have not tried Beechnut though.  They also don't like some things that I have made but love the jarred ones which makes no sense bc it is the same stuff but butter bc it is freshly made.  Silly babies.
  • When my DS was small, I fed him Beech-Nut or Earth's Best (if the Earth's Best was on sale... it was quite a bit more expensive.)  I was really lucky, and he was an awesome eater... I can't remember anything that he really wouldn't eat, but obviously he had his favorites that he ate better than others (generally fruit---he loved plums).  I think every baby must.

  • DD is the EXACT same way! She loves BeechNut veggies, but loves Gerber fruits...well, really just bananas and oatmeal with apples and cinnamon.
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