
Nothing like a wine enema for a fun filled night.

I was just googling the alcohol/tampon thing and discovered that you can get drunk from a wine enema. Sounds like a blast! Seriously, who discovers these things? Who was the first person to ever think, "Hmm, I wonder what will happen if I shoot this bottle of wine up my a$$...?"

Re: Nothing like a wine enema for a fun filled night.

  • ew. ew. ew. ?WHO does this??!! ?Nasty.
  • ewww. Tell me about it. 

    But seriously, DH who's in the medical field said that a wife brought her DH liquor in the hospital and gave it to him in an enema because the DH was begging for it because he was a severe alcoholic and was going thru withdrawls.  He died from it.  So dangerous bec. it absorbs into the blood stream so much faster. 

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  • that was on 1000 ways to die.  A guy had his wife give him an enema of hard liquor and her died of alcohol poisoning
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