Parenting after a Loss

like she needs more clothes...

oye - but Gymoboree sent me coupons and they had a sale.

I found this dress.  I loved it so much I got her one for this summer and one for next Embarrassed


Re: like she needs more clothes...

  • Ooooo, I like it!  What sizes did you order?  I find Gymboree runs least for Sophia.  She is wearing size 12-18 months in them now and I bought an 18-24 months dress for my sisters wedding in August.  I'm pretty sure it's going to fit her too!
  • OMG that is adorable!!! Love it!
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  • it was only $14 too :)

    I got 6-12 for this summer and 18-24 for next spring/summer.  So far Avery is pretty lean/thin so I certainly hope that it will fit her next year. 

  • imagesummerbridesara:
    Ooooo, I like it!  What sizes did you order?  I find Gymboree runs least for Sophia.  She is wearing size 12-18 months in them now and I bought an 18-24 months dress for my sisters wedding in August.  I'm pretty sure it's going to fit her too!

    ooo good to know! better start trying my 0-3 stuff soon.

  • Very cute!  Allie might need one.  I went crazy at the Gymboree outlet on Saturday.  Allie has quite the summer wardrobe this year!
  • SuzPSuzP member
    ooh that is very cute.  I need to get Evie's summer wardrobe going. 
    Mama to Lewis Elijah-11/18/05
    and Evangeline Mae - 12/06/07
    and two angels 3/17/07 at 5w and 12/16/08 - 11w partial molar pregnancy with bonus chemo
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  • Awwwww, that dress is adorable. 
  • I also love that dress!  I wonder if they make it in grown-up sizes?
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