
Those new Huggies "Pure & Natural" diapers

are purely expensive!  Holy crap.  I looked today after getting a $3 off coupon and they're over twice the price of regular Huggies Supreme.  Oof.

Re: Those new Huggies "Pure & Natural" diapers

  • I just got a sample in the mail today w/ three diapers in it. Haven't tried them yet though.
  • We do cloth but I like to have 'sposies on hand too...I picked some of these up and really like them. Since I don't buy diapers very often I can justify the cost...they are super soft and don't have the 'diaper smell' that normal Huggies do.
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  • Yup. There are only 20 diapers in the size 6 packs, which works out to about .50 per diaper. No thanks.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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