I was all ready for the big awful night tonight, so I went and put the baby down sleepy but awake (more awake than sleepy, or so I thought), and the little dickens just settled right down and went to sleep. Like five minutes of silence, 75 seconds of grumbling, and then the last ten minutes he's been sleeping like...well, a baby, I guess.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it really sleep training if we don't have the big cry!?
I need to consult my sleepyplanet book!
Re: Sleep Training, night 1
LOL, that's great, Newtie! Enjoy it!
He may wake up and need a little help getting back to sleep, but it sounds like he was ready for this:)
Well, he's a little overachiever, isn't he? I bet he'll be one of those kids whio won't study for a test and still gets an A.
Glad it went so well! Can he call Leo and give him a talking to??