How silly is that? I know there is no way in this world I am going to pick a name that no one else uses but I can't help but cringe when I see other people with the same names!
I love our name choice for DD but I'm noticing it being used a lot more recently. Well, actually I don't know of anyone personally with that name but have had quite a few people say "Oh, so and so named their daughter that!" I just smile and nod.
I love my son's name but with all the Brayden's, Aiden's, Caden's and Jayden's, I'm a little hesitant to have another name that's overly popular this time! But, I love the name and I'm not changing it. Fingers crossed it doesn't get to overused.
Re: Argh! I get soo possessive over names I've picked!
I have a Stella too. I thought it was a pretty unique name but I have seen 2 others in our area since she was born, so frustrating. Emerson was also one of the names we considered for DD.
It's funny...I'm finding the same thing with my Emma. It's #1, yet I only know 1 other Emma and have only come across very few people named that (and they're mostly adults). Now DS's name is a lot less common (160+on the index), but I hear it all over the place.