
Argh! I get soo possessive over names I've picked!

How silly is that? I know there is no way in this world I am going to pick a name that no one else uses but I can't help but cringe when I see other people with the same names!

I love our name choice for DD but I'm noticing it being used a lot more recently. Well, actually I don't know of anyone personally with that name but have had quite a few people say "Oh, so and so named their daughter that!" I just smile and nod.

I love my son's name but with all the Brayden's, Aiden's, Caden's and Jayden's, I'm a little hesitant to have another name that's overly popular this time! But, I love the name and I'm not changing it. Fingers crossed it doesn't get to overused.

Re: Argh! I get soo possessive over names I've picked!

  • Ethan's name is #3 on the social security list. ?It's amazing how few Ethan's we run into in our daily lives. ?I don't give it a second thought.
  • REOMREOM member
    Really? I think I am the opposite, actually. I was super excited when jorie named her DD Emilia :) Maybe it's because my DD's names are less common.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I have loved the name Sydney since (I'm hiding my head in shame) watching Melrose Place.  I'm that old, lol.  Well anyway, I always said that I would name my dd Sydney.  Now, there are tons of ppl I know who have named their dd or ds Sydney/Sidney.
  • yeah..I hear ya.  My favorite dd name has always been Madeliene Anna but I nixed it when I saw how popular Madeliene was.
  • I can see where you are coming from.  I love the name Emerson, but DH said it was a boy name. some race car driver :) ROEM, Emilia was on our list, but our last name rhymes with Earhart (sp?) so that was out.  I love DDs name (Stella) but it seems that ever since we had her I've heard of a bunch of other Stella's. I can't imagine it'll become super popular, but who knows. crossing fingers that she doesn't become one of 10 in her class or something liek that. 
    Christmas 2009 image
  • imageCTFandme:
      I love DDs name (Stella) but it seems that ever since we had her I've heard of a bunch of other Stella's. I can't imagine it'll become super popular, but who knows. crossing fingers that she doesn't become one of 10 in her class or something liek that. 

    I have a Stella too.  I thought it was a pretty unique name but I have seen 2 others in our area since she was born, so frustrating.  Emerson was also one of the names we considered for DD.

  • imagesummerbrideDC:
    Ethan's name is #3 on the social security list.  It's amazing how few Ethan's we run into in our daily lives.  I don't give it a second thought.

     It's funny...I'm finding the same thing with my Emma. It's #1, yet I only know 1 other Emma and have only come across very few people named that (and they're mostly adults). Now DS's name is a lot less common (160+on the index), but I hear it all over the place.

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