I have PCOS which made me have excessive hair growth. ?I struggled with it for many years. ?Finally I spent many $$$ on laser hair removal which was the best thing I ever did, you'd never even know.
Sadly my DD seems to already exhibit having excessive hair, like on her back. ?My mom doesn't remember me being like that at 2.5 and I was wondering if your dc is. ?I will definitely talk to dr.
?I hate this for her, and hope I can help her when she is young without hurting her self esteem. It was soooo hard for me. ?I can't bear to think of her being upset.
?Just wondering.?
Re: Hard to post, if you are hairy, is your dc?
I'm a hairy, Italian girl and my DD seems to have a lot of hair on her legs for a 3 year old. . . not to mention all the hair on her head.
I spent a lot of time/money on electrolysis. . . I'm sure she will, too.