I'm not really sure why he is holding his poop. He has gone in the potty 3 times and in his undies (during nap twice), oh and in the bath once (ya, I'm trying to forget about that one). The last time was in his undies when my dad was watching him (during nap) and he hasn't gone since. He has an activia yogurt every morning, and lots of fruit througout the day (oranges, strawberries, grapes, peaches, etc.) I have asked him over and over if he has to poo and he says no. He knows that he gets a "big" chocolate for going poo, but he just doesn't need to (or so he says). It has been 2 days since he has gone and I'm a little worried. He is normally an everyday pooper. What do you suggest? Did anyone else go through this during potty training? Did it get better with time?
Re: DS is on day 7 of pt, but I'm a little worried. Please help. Sorry tmi
DD has been training for a little over a month & she still holds it. She has not gone since Sat. she used to be regular but now she is a every 2-3 day girl. I just hope she gets used to going everyday again.
It took DD 8 days to really get the poop on the potty thing down. She was going in her underwear most, but not all days before that. She was a 2x a day pooper in a diaper/pullup, so once a day or once every other day was really unusual for her. . . and she was only pooping little bits in her underwear, so she was obviously holding some of it.
I figure that pooping habits probably change a lot post-diapers.
Once she figured it out, she's regulated to a 1x per day pooper, fairly predictably, "normal" amounts.
It gets better.