Parenting after a Loss

2-3 month olds...

I was just wondering how many times a day do you feed your LO? Also how many ounces a feeding are they getting? E can?t seem to make it past 9:00 anymore before wanting to go to bed for the night but I don?t think she is getting enough during the day and don?t know if I should cut out that last feeding.  


She is BF so I really only know how much she is getting when she has her bottles during the day while I am at work.


Just wanted to see what the other mommies are/were doing.



Re: 2-3 month olds...

  • hadley typically eats 6-7 times a day and by my best guess she gets between 4-5oz a feeding.  she generally goes to sleep between 8-9 (sometimes a bit later) and sleeps until 5-6am.
  • Jacob eats about 6 to 7 times per day and 4.5 to 5 oz each feeding.  He usually goes to sleep between 7:30 to 9 p.m.  Up until a week ago, he was sleeping until 5 or 6 a.m.  But lately he's been waking up once a night to eat. 
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  • i think my DS was eating about 6 times a day and taking approx 4-5oz at each feeding around 3 months. ?it was also right around that age that he started to move his bedtime up. ?for a while, he was going to bed around 10ish. ?then he slowly moved that time up and up until about 7 months old when he started to get consistent at 730pm
  • Eve eats 7-8 per day still (almost every 2 hours.. esp in the evenings, but then STTN). I give her 4oz bottles when i am at work  but I KNOW she does not get that much from nursing.. i think she generally takes around 3oz when she nurses... sometimes less. She is on the small side.. still under 10lbs at 11 weeks
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
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  • DS eats 6-8 times a day. Not sure on the oz but I'm assuming 4-6 oz at a time. He goes to bed between 6:30 and 8pm.

    He used to wake up 3-4 times per night but Saturday night he got up twice and last night he got up once to eat. Not sure how to drop a feeding though. Would you just try to put LO down earler?

    Married 6-30-07, BFP 9-1-07, M/C & D&C 10-5-07, BFP #2 6-20-08, BFP #3 3-28-2010 Mommy to Ethan born 2-22-09 7lbs 13.5oz & 21" long SAL Buddy to March04b2b imageFamily Blog|Food Blog
  • we also BF and Harris only gets one bottle a day (maybe). That bottle usually has 3.5 oz in it and it's good for him. Since he's been sleeping longer at night there are usually about 6 feedings a day, possibly 7. He goes about 3 hours between feedings during the day, 6-8 hours at night.
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