
I cannot let this Mother's Day go by

without bragging about my kick a$$ husband. On Friday 2 dozen gorgeous roses arrived on my doorstep. I know it's popular to hate roses these days but I think they are awesome. Then Saturday morning he tells me he scheduled a Lomi Lomi massage for me at 10:30am. Seriously it was the best massage ever at my favorite spa. Then Sunday he gives me the most beautiful diamond them (it helps that he was having dinner with his friends in the city and one of them own a jewelry store :oP)! And on Sunday he took our a hedge that was right in front of our house by our walkway that I freakin' hated. That hedge had been there for probably 40 years and was very rooted into the ground. It was HUGE and took my poor husband all day to get out. Then he tilled it so that I could put soil down and plant some flowers. It looks so much better now. And he brought me home yummy greek food.

Dude. It was awesome!

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