Tell me what you think of the plan b pill!
In the past month or so a couple of my friends have told me that they have taken this pill and from what I understand it will stop a potential pregnancy and to me that sounds just like an abortion and I dont agree with it. One of my close friends just called me for advice on whether to take it or not because she is breastfeeding and didnt know if it was safe to take or not. It made me sad to think about it. I dont want to give her advice I just told her to call her ob and see what they said. She knows about the m/c's all of my friends do so WHY on earth would you think I would say YEAHH take it!?!?!? Pisses me off. Not a fan of the pill!
I understand this is probably one of those topics that will cause some flames but I figured you girls would understand where I am coming from!
Re: Plan B pill :(
I think the pill will stop implantation, so not exactly an abortion, since you will never know if an egg was fertilized or not, but I do understand where you are coming from, and at this point in my life I would never take it. But then, I am TTC, and have had 2 m/c's of wanted babies, so I think that those of us who have had m/c's just have a different perspective of TTC and pregnancy in general. I would not like it if a friend of mine were to ask me about that pill. I would probably be offended as well. Hugs!
From what I was told by my doctor... the plan B pill will do nothing for you if you're already pregnant. I'm not sure how it will stop pregnancy from happening but I know that if you already are pregnant than it has no effect.
I'd suggest talking to a doctor about it. Personally, I wouldn't take it. What happens happens, KWIM? But to each their own.
I do not think this is an "abortion" pill. the Plan B pill was designed to take within 24 hrs of having unprotected sex.
I have used the pill - it was after a condom had broke when I was in college. I was being responsible (using protection) yet I had (what I think) a very valid reason for using the pill. Or - in a case of rape, I think this is given as well to prevent a pregnancy.
On the other hand, I had some acquaintances that would ROUTINELY have unprotected sex and get the Plan B pill as their form of birth control. This I TOTALLY disagree with.
I don't think you can make a decision for your friend - if she's not ready for another baby, then she should be making better choices for her family planning.
If what had happened to me in college, happened to me NOW - We'd use the "H&P" method (Hope and a Prayer) if I was not wanting to get pg. I wouldn't take the Plan B.
Plan B is essentially a high dose of BCP and like pp's said, it does not interfere with an established pregnancy. You might be confusing it with the "abortion pill," which is a different drug(s).
Anyway, it's a personal decision to take it or not but I have wondered the same thing your friend did (does it interfere with BF'ing). Definitely a question for a health professional. Maybe that's all she wanted to know?
Let me clear up any misconceptions about Plan B......
- It's only Progesterone...and as some of you know personally, progesterone does not cause a miscarraige b/c many of us had to take it early on to help protect our pregnancy.
- The Progesterone is taken in 2 doses, or 2 pills and after that 2nd pill is metabolized, if you are NOT pregnant, your body sees a drop in progesterone level which will cause a shedding of the lining that has built up so far.
- It does NOT cause an implanted or fertilized embryo to be aborted. If someone takes it and is pregnant, it will only enhace the progesterone that is being secreted from the corpus luteum.
- There is no way that the FDA would have approved a pill to be avaliable OTC if it induced abortions.
I struggle with this one. On one level, I cherish my child and can't image anyone not wanting the life they (may) have created.
But then I remember that story that someone posted here last week, about the baby who died because its parents left it in the carseat and didn't change a diaper for 8 days. And I think, the Plan B pill would have been an excellent option for them and that poor baby would have never suffered in its short little life.
I guess it comes down to a personal choice. If someone chooses to take the pill, then that was the right choice for them at the time and I support that. I, personally, will be responsible enough to not get myself in a situation where I have to make that decision.
As for a friend calling to ask me what I think they should do - I would probably reply that I'm not the right person to ask and refer them to their doctor, just like you did.
Plan B is essentially a very high dosage of birth control pills..I do not view this as remotely the same as an abortion - it is preventing possible implantation - just the same as a condom or any other form of birth control...IMO.
I am also pro-choice and I think it is wonderful that this sort of method IS available for people who get carried away, have an accident (broken condom) etc....this PREVENTS someone from having an unwanted pregnancy - whether it ends in abortion or being carried to term.
?I admit that since I got pregnant and had a m/c I have a lot harder time with the thought of abortion than I did when I was younger (I never had one, but if I had gotten pg unexpectedly I definitely would have considered it) but I still believe that everyone has a right to choose what they do with their body and their pregnancy and that there are an awful lot of people out there who would be unfit parents or aren't ready for the GREAT responsibility of it, something we are all learning day by day.
At this point in my life it would not be something I would do, I would welcome a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, but I am glad there are options out there for people who are not in my sitauation or a situation in which they are ready to have a child.?
DH and I disagree on this issue. He believes Plan B is "wrong" because it can keep a fertilized egg from implanting, and he feels this is a form of abortion. I don't. We can discuss this issue until the end of time, and we will not agree.
Furthermore, some BC pills also affect the uterine lining to keep any accidentally-fertilized eggs from implanting. But we don't hear people "up in arms" against the pill.
I used Plan B once when I was married to my ex husband. I'll never know whether or not a child would have resulted from that one instance of unprotected sex, but I sure as hell wasn't willing to risk it. I have never, ever regretted taking the precaution against having a baby with him.
This is part of the reason the IUD is so effective. It makes the uterine lining ultra thin (hence the light periods) so in case that one/thousand eggs gets?fertilized, it was have nothing to hold on to.
You know.. I took it twice when DH and I were first dating.. before I was on the pill and I was in college.. And I don't think there is anything wrong with it, per se.. I researched it a bit when I was TTC because I thought about it and didn't really get how it worked.. What I learned is.. in most cases, it ACTUALLY prevents ovulation, when it is most effective, it CAN prevent implantation, but it is not nearly as effective at that stage. That is why its best to take it right after sex, because it can prevent ovulation from occuring (since ovulation usually occurs after sex when a pg occurs).
That said. I do NOT think its a good idea to take while BFing..I think it could REALLY hurt milk supply and screw things up.. Its basically just high dose BCP.
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz