Parenting after a Loss

What method do you use to get them back to sleep?

Without feeding them?  Abby woke up at 4am and Im trying to get her wake up time to be at least 6am (she went to bed at 830ish- I have full permission from pedi to let her STTN for 10 or so hours bc she is in the 93rd percentile with weight)

I kept getting up, half asleep, tripping over my own feet, and giving her her pacifier.  That went on for about two hours bc I wanted her to kinda feel that 6am was wake up time, not 4am. She doesnt cry, just grunts really loudly and comes unswaddled.


Re: What method do you use to get them back to sleep?

  • I let DD drop her night feedings when she was ready. She went down to one at 2.5 months, then to none at 3 months.

    I would probably suggest weaning her rather than forcing her to drop cold turkey. Get up with her but feed her less & less each time until she's just not getting up at all to eat. I think she's too young to be weaned purposely but I guess if your pedi wants you to stop feeding her at night then go for it. As long as she is making up the ounces during the day. GL

  • Rocking her & prayer.?
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  • he doesn't stop screaming until he's fed. I just feed him.
  • lol crazy!

    mrsmclastar- that's the thing, she's not really hungry.  Shoot I got up with her at 6am and she just wanted to play! Its hard bc she is so cute in the mornings!

  • She is only 3 months old though, dont stress about STTN, they arent even supposed to by that age anyway. Any sleep research says they usually dont STTN 10 hours until around 6-8 months anyway. I think its silly for your pedi to expect your DC to STTN 10 hours at barely 3 months old. But thats just my opinion. =)

    I honestly wouldnt stress about it. Let her do it when shes ready.  If she wants to play at 6am then play with her. My DD is almost 9 months old and gets up for the day at 6-6:30am. =)

  • I do my best to re-swaddle DS when he wakes up in between feedings.  Usually if he's all snug again, he'll fall back asleep.  He does the same thing as your DD- he'll eat at four and wake up around 6 am, cooing.  I usually get him up, but since I have to leave for work early and DH is sleeping (he does the 4 am feeding), I try to get him back to sleep until at least 7 am. 
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  • We use the binky and rub his belly or head softly and "shush" him.  Our ds is waking up with gas pain though so I am not sure if it might be different for you guys.  Also, if I catch it pretty quickly he isn't really "awake" and will go back down much easier.
  • At that age, we'd just rock him back to sleep.
  • Max has been giving me at least a 6 hour stretch at night since he was 5 weeks old and usually just wakes up 1 time through the night.  The one thing that has worked for me has been to make sure he starts crying before I get out of bed and make him a bottle.  Usually, when he is fussing and grunting, he will fall asleep after a minute or 2.  I learned this the hard first, when he would fuss and grunt, I would make his bottle and head into his room.  By the time I would get there, he would be sound asleep!
  • still getting up once a night (at least) over here.  i just feed him and hope that he drops the feeding on his own by the time he goes to college.
  • imageMrs.Mclstar48:

    She is only 3 months old though, dont stress about STTN, they arent even supposed to by that age anyway. Any sleep research says they usually dont STTN 10 hours until around 6-8 months anyway. I think its silly for your pedi to expect your DC to STTN 10 hours at barely 3 months old. But thats just my opinion. =)

    I honestly wouldnt stress about it. Let her do it when shes ready.  If she wants to play at 6am then play with her. My DD is almost 9 months old and gets up for the day at 6-6:30am. =)

    i agree.  I don't get how a ped would know that your LO isn't hungry at 4 am and needs to eat at 2 mos no less?  She didn't get to the 93rd percentile not eating.  Sounds crazy to me.  I still feed mine when she wakes unless she gets up after I just fed her and she's out of her swaddle.  At these early months who are we to say they don't need to eat? 

    Go Steelers!
  • maybe i should have been more clear in my original post...she's not hungry, she is just awake.  I can tell when she is hungry.  But she just sits up for hours grunting and talking to herself and kicking her feet.  She cries when she is hungry. i jsut used this morning as an example bc she was awake at 4am.  sometimes it's 1am.  I just meant how do you get them to go back to sleep when the bottle isnt the answer.


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