
OK give me the list of "what to get" from scratch ladies!

Just assume I know nothing from having DS. Tell me everything I need to get for the twins for the first few months.

I'd like to get an impartial opinion....or three. 

Re: OK give me the list of "what to get" from scratch ladies!

  • Honestly, I hated getting 2 of everything so we had:

    1 tandum stroller and one sbs stroller (I used one and MIL used one)

    2 umbrella strollers (DH and I would walk places with the boys and this helped when I would take the kids on errands with just one of them)

    1 bouncy seat (I borrowed from MIL)

    1 bathtub for infant/ 2 seats for when they could sit (I borrowed the bathtub and bought 1 seat from my MOM's club)

    2 cribs

    2 highchairs

    1 exercauser

    1 bounce-a-roo

    washclothes/towels (I used washclothes as burpclothes as well)

    sheets and blankets (We chose to not get matchy sets, just sheets and blankets)

    recieving blankets

    premiee, newborn, 0-3, etc onsies

    premie, newborn, etc footed jammies

    premiee, etc, clothes

    diapers!  I wouldn't stock up since you aren't going to know what size the babies will be at birth

  • The website has a great twin essentials list in their Expecting Moms forum. That's what I used as the basis for my registry.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • This is what we've used so far (at 2 1/2 months old):

    2 swings (had one..bought another when they both seemed to like it)

    2 boopy's (again, started with one)

    2 bouncy seats (again..started with one)

    Bottles (bottle brush/dishwasher basket) 

    1 infant bathtub w/ foam insert/support thing





    Footed PJ's 



    A&D Ointment

    Body Wash



    Vaseline (to take temp)

    Hair Brush

    car seats (of course)


    pack n play

    2 cribs

    recieving blankets (used the first couple weeks, don't use anymore)

    swaddle blankets


    I think that's it. HTH!

  • Here is a list of what I had:

    2 infant carseats

    2 cribs

    changing table

    2 bouncy seats

    1 swing (my girls weren't that into it so we never got another)

    2 Pack N Plays

    Double Snap N Go

    SBS stroller (Bumbleride indie twin)

    Light SBS stroller (we didn't get this until they were 4 months old when we switched them to convertible carseats)

    2 convertible carseats

    2 highchairs

    2 boppies (I give them their bottles in those)

    infant bathtub

    2 bumbo chairs



    receiving blankets (we needed about 8, but had many more)

    diapers (we had a box of N and a box of size 1, but mostly bought them when girls were born)


    swaddle blankets (you will need no more than 4, we had 10 which was entirely too many)

    bottles (I would recommend enough to only do dishes once a day:16 small ones and 8 bigger ones)

    formula mixing pitcher (I had this and it was the best product ever -- I had a Dr Brown's one, actually 2, and you just make formula for the day once and leave it in the fridge, and pour into bottles as needed)

    bottle warmer (we had one by Avent)


    burp cloths (you can never have too many -- we use gerber cloth diapers for this)


    a bunch of other small things I can't think of like a thermometer?


    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Here are the necessities for us:

    2 boppy's

    2 bouncers

    2 swings

    double stroller

    pack 'n play

    changing table pad

    wipe warmer

    play mat (w/overhead toys)

    1 bumbo (we only used one at a time since they weren't ready at the same times)

    2 car seats

    2 diaper bags (one for toys the other for necessities)

    formula pitchers (for mixing ahead - I have rubbermaid 2 qt pitchers)

    2 cribs

    1 exersaucer

    1 jumparoo


    boogie sucker

    A&D, Vaseline, Desitin, Eucerin

    Receiving blankets

    2 sleep positioners

    2 bassinets (I got mine on craigslist and used them till they were 6 mos)

    1 infant tub

    Lots of washcloths, towels


    Did I say BIBS?  You need LOTS

    Mesh laundry bag (for socks)

    onesies, nightgowns/sleepers

    Stain remover (lots of this too - I use Zout, Dreft, & Gonzo)

    All Free & Clear

    Enough bottles to get you through a day w/out washing

    Extra nipples (1/2 more than your bottles)


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